Petr Geršl's Wiki
My personality


I have taken several tests and different surveys to determine my personality type. Before I show them, I would like to perhaps name a few key characteristics of me that I determined myself or that I think and hope I represent. This is my system:

My system


Even though my values and political thinking lean towards a certain direction, I am always willing to listen and change my mind based on good and sound arguments. It is funny to me that so many people claiming to have this quality are usually those least open to new ideas and conversations. I also think that I am willing to treat anyone’s arguments without judging them based on their political affiliation.


Sometimes people judge me or make fun of me for my need for everything to be judged with as little emotion as possible. They think I am cold because of that. I do not think of myself this way. I can put emotions where they are necessary, however, I think that many debates and discussions can and should be led by rationality and critical thinking. It is funny to me how many people I talk with end up crossed with me just because I dismiss arguments based on emotion and not fact, and how many of them resort to personal attacks and vulgar dictionaries.


Even though many things are happening in the world that I do not agree with or that do not make me happy, I still try to stay optimistic. Some people call me naive or idealistic because of that, but it certainly helps to keep the mood afloat. I also try to see the good in people. There are moments when this approach does not pay off, but there have only been a few of those in my life. What also helps and keeps me happy is that I simply do not care about little bad things that happen to me. Sometimes I think people are angry or sad about stuff so little in the grander scheme of things that I just think of it as a waste of brain power, staying grumpy all the time. This is not to say that I disregard all wrongdoing of people around me. I simply try to not let anger influence my decisions.


I always try to keep a vision for myself and my life. I despise people who have no idea about what to do in their life. The people who just walk through life from the day they have been born till the day they die. Terrible thinking of unsuccessful people, who never achieved anything, even according to their standards, which they do not have. I guess I could understand that there indeed might be some whose sole goal is to live the most ordinary of lives, but then I feel sorry for people with no ambition at all.


I am always excited to learn something new. I am excited even by the little things I learn. I am so sorry for those who cannot find anything interesting even about the things they do not enjoy. I let my mind be blown by the smallest new things I learn and it feels awesome every time.


I think of respect as something you have to earn. I will not respect anyone solely based on their position of authority, respect is something else. My respect can be earned quite easily, however. It requires decency, honesty, rationality and of course achievement. I am all for meritocracy.


I think of myself as someone honest and someone who says what is on his mind. I think honesty is important both in professional and personal relationships. I do not believe that lying or practicing rectal alpinism gets anyone anywhere in the long term.


I believe that people should be treated fairly, based on their merit rather than their sex or looks in the labor market. I think I treat people with this in mind, however, there is still some work to do on my end. I do admit that I do not live according to this principle but I try as hard as I can to work on it and live so.

Relevant results

These eight traits describe me rather well. As mentioned above, I have taken several tests to determine my personality type and here is a list of them: