Taken and translated from a testing report by JCMM conducted in June 2022
NEO PI-R personality inventory examines your opinions and typical styles of behavior. Characteristics of your personality might be both advantageous and disadvantageous for you. It is important to understand the context in which a characteristic is utilized. It is crucial to recognize how you can get the most out of your advantages whilst minimizing your disadvantages.
All claims stated below are based on your responses.
Problem-solving and decision-making (style of thinking)
Your responses in the questionnaire show, that your approach to finding appropriate solutions is good. The method of gathering information is systematic and methodological and you can focus your thinking toward the goal. You think very cautiously before you make a decision or state your opinion. The benefit of such an approach is that you probably predict the consequences of different manners of conduct.
You are more open to consideration and research of new or even unusual ideas than the majority of people. You are fond of intellectual activities and you probably find satisfaction in theoretical discussions. Generally, you are realistic in your reasoning. Even though you are imaginative and creative similar to the majority of people, you keep your reasoning in the margins of what is latest and you do not get lost in your imagination.
You have confidence in your abilities for effective and cautious problem-solving, and you take responsibility for your own decisions.
Planning, organization and realization (style of functioning)
Your work tempo corresponds to the average tempo of the comparison group. You are motivated to lead things to an end similar to the majority of people. Personal and work success is important to you but you do not disregard other parts of your life. You probably do not get discouraged to lead things to an end. You are appropriately disciplined and motivated to finish things. This means that you will continue working on a task despite boredom or other distractions. You have the motivation to finish your work.
Your attitude toward the working procedure often reflects your high intellectual curiosity in a great variety of topics. You enjoy theoretical discussions and are open to new ideas and methods. You are imaginative to the maximum extent without being idealistic or impractical.
Relationships with other people
You probably seem friendly to others similar to the majority of people. You exhibit a typical level of interest and attention toward others. Yet, you do not find social occasions very appealing. You do not find satisfaction in establishing relationships in large groups. The opportunity to spend time alone or with the closest to you is important to you.
You do not force your opinions upon others, you leave space for them to express themselves. Sometimes, you take the lead, other times, you let others speak. You generally presume that people are trustworthy and honest, however, you are cautious of their actual intentions. You seek harmonic relationships, whereby you are likely to compromise or even subjugate yourself to avoid conflict. You generally try to keep harmonic relationships in the work environment so in the case when you are not satisfied with the work of someone else, you do not choose confrontational or aggressive strategies, which may sometimes lead to reluctance to fully express your discontent (the desire to avoid interpersonal conflicts).
You do not consider yourself restrained. You willingly speak about your achievements and if you do this well, it represents you successfully. However, you should be careful not to overstate the significance of your contributions to avoid being judged by others as a “boast”.
Emotions and views on life (personal style)
You describe yourself as a relatively unemotional person and you let your feelings guide your judgment probably less often than the majority of people. You have an outstanding ability to manage and control your impulses. You do not find excitement in searching for risky activities or tension. In fact, you try to avoid such situations or activities and the feeling of adrenaline that they convey.
You further describe that you experience positive emotions similar to the majority of people whilst maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude. Your responses suggest that you rarely feel anxious, despondent or dejected and that you view yourself as more than capable of dealing with challenging situations.